How Do We Survive?

Finbar Shields
3 min readMar 19, 2022

I know you are sick of new age spirituality,

deepity quotes,

healers, lightworkers, “my new course just £3333”,

flippant comments,

“you just need to”, “try x”

positivisms, news feed “downloads of divine love”,

people trying so hard to be wise,

sharing “love” for clout,

I know that shit doesn’t pay your rent,

or bring back what you’ve lost,

or undo the wounds you’ve suffered today.

I know you feel sick of all the fluff

the words on screens that tell you how simple it is,

how you are love,

how to be happy, to be free, to manifest what you need,

that make you feel like it’s your fault

for being shackled by an imperfect reality,

and if you could just, “just” love yourself,

let go,


it would be easy.

I know the world feels like it’s ending sometimes

that there is no hope,

conflict, famine, pandemic, corruption,

ignorance, inequality, world war 3,

death, suicide, waste, overconsumption, power, greed,

technology, the disconnect from our living breathing bodies,

our planet,

global warming,


That last year the richest man in the world paid no taxes

as our Earth is dying

and millions are starving.

That a man in Russia just elected to kill countless people,

incite terror,

to place his name on another piece of land.

That it’s so hard to find someone really able to just hold you.

I know that insurmountable abyss that is hard to even bear,

the gap between here and saving ourselves

an ocean,

and I know it weighs on you

behind, between distraction, staying busy,

how much we worry for our world,

ourselves, our futures, our friends.

And I don’t know what to do either.

But I just went outside and I breathed,

scared and lost,

after last night my mother rejected me in my darkest moment,

I had told her I was feeling suicidal

and instead of meeting me with love,

she bludgeoned me,

and I felt the Spring air

and fell through all I had been trying not to see,

not fluffy, not spiritual, just breathing,

breathing in me,

with all my fear and wounds and misery,

and I know that I deep down felt I wasn’t worthy of my own love

and had shut down to myself,

and as I said hello with my breath,

as I said “yes”,

not as a positivity,

not forced,

just here, yes, you, this, me,

sobs and mess and tired and sore,

a yes to all that I hold,

I started to shift a little into the warmth

that might be called love,

felt something bright and right and real,

and close

and not so alone,

and laying back kicked my legs in the air

for a moment like a child in glee,

and I felt a ground come rush under to meet this feeling me,

and the crumpled path of my future unfurled a little,

open hands, new places,

maybe, again, ahead of me,

and I felt the warm air in my nose

like the most beautiful friend

I had missed for years,

a part of me like my hands or my eyes or my smile,

and I felt my heart,

and clasped my own fingers;

“hello Fin”,

“you have me”,

and I knew my heart was the world I was hurting for,

and I knew this mattered.



Finbar Shields

A man clumsily but certainly refinding his connection to himself, others, and the world.